Tag Archives: Personal

Tarot cards, travel, and trying to figure out what’s next

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I’m a cheap bitch. There, I said it! But it fortunately comes with cheap tastes (for some things). My favorite mascara is under $5, my wine of choice is like $6 for a whole bottle, and the sweater I’m wearing cost $15. Because of this, I’m really great at hunting down deals and saving money.
But I also kind of suck at spending it. After about a month, I finally caved and bought myself tarot cards I’d been eyeballing since I first saw them during my trip to Copenhagen. Yes, I caveand spent $16 ($13 because I use cash back like the proud fiscally responsible adult I am now) on tarot cards. And you know what?

It was a friggin great idea.

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I’m 22! And I’m still here


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It’s been a hot second since I posted! And even though I hate making excuses, I’ve truly been a busy lil bee. But, I’m going to stick to my tradition of writing a birthday-related post. My Copenhagen travel guide is coming soon, I promise!

So for my 22nd birthday (which doesn’t even feel like it happened?), here are some things that I have achieved and am dealing with right now and this very prime age! Here’s also a lot of things I’ve realized! This post is very scattered, but it feels on-brand for me right now.

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Summers no longer belong to me.


Summers no longer belong to me.

They once were the smell of chlorine and citronella (if your neighbor was kind enough to share the bottle of OFF! her mother left on the table).

They were half-hearted games of Marco Polo that turned into conversations about life, gossip about the friends who weren’t in the pool and the mysterious neighbors you’d make up stories about— they’re secret murderers! Vampires! It gave you all goosebumps until it turned into a joke-telling match and dissolved into laughter.

Summer was wet, damaged chlorine-soaked hair because you didn’t need to worry about your lipstick smudging or how funny your hair might look when it dried. A swimsuit you bought because it fit and it was your favorite color, not because you agonized over it in a mirror.

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This is the first year of my life where I’m not going back to school

grad cap no going back to school

I’m not going back to school. It’s officially starting to sink in. I’ve been in school since I was three years old and my life revolved around it — clubs, due dates, essays, exams, back to school shopping, that first day of school outfit, schedules and teachers.

This is the first year of my life that I’m not begging to go back to school shopping. It’s the first year that I’m not tirelessly deciding what to wear on that first day back.

I’ve always been someone who tried really hard in school. I always studied and handed assignments in on time. When I did poorly on exams or papers, I got genuinely upset and fell into a funk. It feels almost sad that all of those years have amounted to a single diploma…one that, now that I’m thinking about it, I’m not entirely sure where I put it.

I’m quite Type A in the sense that I like to know what’s going to happen next. I like having at least a vague sense of plans. With school, there was the structure I needed. You knew what came next. Maybe you didn’t know what school you’d end up in, but you knew what to expect. Or, at least where you were going next. It was a checklist:

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