It’s been a hot minute! I had a half-written post but I spent three days opening and closing it so, uh, I’m putting that aside for now. February was a pretty garbage month. I spent most of it being extremely stressed, sort of lost, and just generally UGH. By the time the last week of the month hit, my friend and I had a daily countdown until the shortest, worst month of the year was over.
For such a short month, it was largely crappy. A lot of things were thrown my way. At one point I even cried in Union SquParkpark (and saw a rat but was too busy crying to care, and the rat was actually cute? But maybe it’s because I was crying). I sent CAPS LOCK TEXT MESSAGES to a bunch of friends. I didn’t do a lot of things I’d planned to do. I have about 4 unfinished to-do lists shoved in my room somewhere right now.
But, you know, it’s March now. And last month made me sort of think about what things can help me get out of a bad mood. And about the things put me in a bad mood and why they’re able to do that. I thought about what can I actually control and why exactly I spend a lot of time stressing about that I can’t do anything about…
So I made four lists on a whim and they made me feel better. And they were surprisingly easy to make Here some lists to make (and the ones I made) and why they might just help you feel a bit better and a bit more sane.
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