Tag Archives: 20

So, you want to get better at planning and cooking dinners in your 20s

How to get better at planning and cooking meals in your 20s / meal prep and planning tips for twentysomethings

I’ve recently gotten pretty into cooking. Now, I’m trying to get better at planning and cooking meals. Honestly, I think cooking might be my perfect hobby as someone who is both creative and immensely logic-driven.

I tend to fixate on hobbies, buy a bunch of crap to do them (looking at you, pom-pom maker, scrapbooking supplies, and bottles of paint in the corner of my office). But then I don’t do them, even though I was excited.

And I think I cracked the code! I don’t do them because … why? I don’t have a ton of free time and the time I do have I don’t want to spend doing something that, at its core, is kind of useless. (Listen, not everything in life needs to be useful or productive but this is how my brain works.)

But cooking? It’s a task I have to do because I have to eat food. Except, I can make it feel more fun and special and cool and I can be creative. I can learn useful skills — as nice as it is to know how to make pom-poms, being able to dice vegetables has been handier lately.

Plus, cooking gives me a result I can do something with (eat!) and share with others (eat!).

So, here are some of my tips for my fellow 20somethings who are trying to get into cooking or, at the very least, are trying to get better at planning and cooking meals. Because sometimes a handful of Cheerios and spoonfuls of peanut butter don’t cut it.

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I’M 20! (19 Things Before 20 Revisited)


Well, shit, I’m twenty. While that’s probably not the prettiest way to start a blog post, it was my first, honest thought. The suffix “-teen” is officially gone from my age and I can basically feel the gray hairs and wrinkles forming. I’m definitely kidding, I use moisturizer. Kidding, I’m still only twenty. I’m still the baby of my house at college, so I can hold onto my youth for a little bit longer.

I can now officially be labeled a “twenty something,” that is, if zero counts as a “something.” I can finally read those articles and feel like I actually belong there, which is pretty nice.

Even though I don’t want to be older, I’m also really wishing to turn twenty-one soon, because it seems a lot more fun than being twenty. Also, you can legally consume alcohol, which is pretty ~adult~ if I do say so myself.

Although I did “19 things before 20” last year, I have decided not to make a “20 Things Before 21” list for a few reasons:

1. Years fly by so quickly and there’s no way to know what I can or cannot accomplish in a year and by setting unreachable goals and seeing I’ve failed them I feel kind of shitty about it because usually the ones I did not achieve are the fun ones.

2. I don’t even know what I want to do. I’ll open a snack, eat a few bites and then change my mind and take something else. I’ll order french toast and only once it’s in front of me I’ll remember I don’t like french toast. I’ll change my outfit five times before leaving the house on some days. I don’t know what to aim to achieve, I really don’t.

3. I’m revisiting “19 Before 20.” I’d rather see how that has panned out than make another list. Plus, it was hard enough to name 19 things, I don’t think I could name 20 now.

So, here were my 19 things before 20 if you’d like to see them thoroughly, but here’s a little update on them all…

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