Considering I have done Run or Dye and an Autism U Blue Color Run at my college I am obviously super qualified to advise my fellow people on color runs, right? Probably not. But I can tell you that these tips will save you when it comes to before, during and after whichever powdered color dye run you wish to partake in.
First, let me mention that these runs all involved the throwing of non-toxic colored powder although one run used a rainbow of colors, the other used only blue. Blue is a real bitch to scrub off, btw, it’s the worst color. My skin, three days later, is still tinged with blue. Awesome. Also, I walked and only ran through the colored parts. I run for no one.

Anyways, these color run tips will help you have fun and not damage your belongings.
1. Put important belongings in a bag in a bag.
Put your phone, car keys, ID, money and anything expensive or important in a Ziploc bag that is in another bag. I recommend putting your Ziploc bag of things inside of a drawstring bag.
2. Bring napkins.
You will thank me when you get dye in your eyes. You will also be glad when you can wipe off your hands a bit before having to touch your phone to snap a selfie.
3. Run through the dye.
If you don’t want to run at all, don’t. Run through the dye, however. It is a brief period where people with boxes of dye chuck powder at you and running is the best way to get the least amount of dye. If you walk, these people are not machines and they will keep grabbing more dye to throw.
4. Keep your head down and mouth closed.
Keep your head down to limit the amount of dye that enters your eyeballs and nostrils. This won’t protect you entirely, but it’s a start. Keeping your mouth closed is self-explanatory.
5. Avoid sunglasses or if you wear them, be prepared to wipe them off constantly.
The first time I did the color run I wore sunnies. I ended up having to constantly wipe them off because the dye hindered the vision. PLUS, the dye gets behind the sunglasses and into your eyes anyway. Unless you’re wearing goggles, sunglasses are pointless. They are great for blocking out the sun, but if you must wear them then be prepared to keep wiping them off with the underside of your shirt or a napkin.

6. Wear clothes and shoes you’re willing to have stained.
They say the dye washes off, and it does wash off of somethings, but some things WILL be ruined. My black shorts were fine, my t-shirt was not. Even your bra can get dye on it, trust me. Wear old things or cheap things bought solely for the race. I wore a cheap Forever21 camisole and the free event T-shirt (most of these events give you t-shirts). My sneakers were old and thus I was not devastated when the dye stained them. Even after doing laundry, the stains don’t always come out. Wear clothes you’re not super attached to. Better yet: make your own shirts. For the first Run or Dye, my friends and I bought some Iron-On paper and cheap V-necks and made cute shirts with our names on the backs and “Walk or Dye 2k14” on the front. They were fun, unique and could be chucked in the garbage right after the race.
7. Take before and after photos.
These just look super cool. Take a before picture and then take an after picture in the same place. This is a perfect Instagram moment or cool life moment in general. Plus, it’s best to take photos before and after. Taking photos during the race will likely result in a colorful phone and potential damage to your device.
8. Tie your hair up and straighten it.
Okay, definitely tie your hair up because it’ll be less color for you to wash off at the end. I recommend that if you have curly/wavy hair, like I do, straighten your hair the night before or morning of. I don’t know if I’m imagining things but washing dye out of straight and smooth hair is much easier than washing it out of wavy and curly hair. Just a thought.

9. Make-up remover is magical.
Most of the dye washes off fairly easily, but blue and green dye stain the worst. The one run I did was ONLY BLUE DYE. My friends and I are still blue. Make-up remover works very well and so does body wash. Definitely recommend investing in a cheap loofah (because that, too, will be stained with dye). You will have to scrub your skin really hard. You will remain slightly covered in dye for a day or two after. The place that the dye stains the worst, as my friends and I have concluded, is your armpits. Fun fact. Your pits will be blue for days. Awesome.
10. Take a million pictures but also have fun.
The dye looks incredible in photographs. You’ll want to Instagram them all. Do take lots of photos but don’t get too wrapped up in photos–make memories, not Instagrams! (But an epic Instagram or two couldn’t hurt)