So it’s the end of the month and it’s time to see if I actually completed any of my goals! Let’s find out .
Goal: Find a new concealer.
Results: This was a very last minute success. Packing and interning took priority over concealer shopping. I did, however, order the highly raved about Maybelline Fit Me Concealer. This concealer, so far, is pretty amazing. It matches my skin tone perfectly and blends very easily.

Goal: Make something from my Pinterest board.
Results: WELL. I purchased spray paint, a wooden ampersand, thumbtacks, magnets and canvases. I bought the stuff to execute said projects, does that count?

Results: When packing to move out from college, I tossed all of my old mascaras. Including the afore mentioned L’Oreal Miss Manga mascara that smells pretty funky. I also tossed a bunch of products that were quite old or I never used. Still have a ton of makeup, but I DID toss a bunch of things!

Goal: Splurge on a neutral eyeshadow palette
Results: Well, I DID just splurge on make up, but none of the items were eye shadow. Oops. I finally bought the NYX Copenhagen I’ve been drooling over since Christmas and a few other make-up products that I’ve been eyeing. I splurged on makeup…just not a palette. I cannot commit to a palette!

Goal: Finish the semester with mostly A’s
Results: Very proud to say I finished my first year of college with all A-‘s and A’s with the exception of one B!

Goal: Create an online portfolio of my writing and graphic design work.
Results: I have not even started this. I did bookmark a lot of my online work, though? It’s gathered but not anywhere yet.

Goal: Drink healthier coffee
Results: So I planned to cut down to one Splenda packet and two little coffee creamers. I did this for the most part. There were two or three days where I slipped up and put two sugars, so to combat it I would put one less creamer. My coffee still tastes pretty good, I’m definitely gonna stick to my new “healthier” coffee! Plus, I recently accidentally put too sugars and now it’s way too sweet. I trained my brain to prefer less sweet coffee, I think? Awesome.

Goal: Cut out chips
Results: I went almost the whole month without chips BUT I accidentally broke this goal promise when I ate a handful of Salt & Vinegar chips–my weakness! Otherwise, I think this goal was a success. I only ate chips once this month!

Goal: Train my brain to be healthier??
Results: I deleted most of my fitness apps to save space and basically just eat whatever I want. I did eat some vegan food and lots of salads at my internship, though, does that count? I also watched a food documentary that inspired me to be healthy for about an hour after watching it. Then I ate cookies.

Did you set any monthly goals for yourself and complete them?