How To Survive A General Admission Concert

concert tips: how to survive a general admission concert // eyeliner wings & pretty things

I spent $100 to stand outside in the blazing heat for four hours. This ticket included no personal space (not even enough space to move my arms), being touched by sweaty strangers and being extremely angry at a lot of people who think it’s okay to push and try to get to the front of the crowd. Ahem.

Let me give you some backstory: My friend and I got general admission floor tickets to see ED SHEERAN (aka King of Everything Musical) just this past week. It was in Forest Hills stadium in Queens. “General admission won’t be bad,” we said. “It’ll be fine.” Nope.

We did not know the stadium was outdoors, first of all, nor did we realize how hot it would be outside. Ed was amazing but, as usual, concertgoers are ruthless humans and you too must be ruthless in the dog eat dog world that is general admission concerts. This is it, folks. Here is how to survive a general admission concert.

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Monthly Goals Review: May 2015


So it’s the end of the month and it’s time to see if I actually completed any of my goals! Let’s find out .GOALSbeautydiyheader

Goal: Find a new concealer.

Results: This was a very last minute success. Packing and interning took priority over concealer shopping. I did, however, order the highly raved about Maybelline Fit Me Concealer. This concealer, so far, is pretty amazing. It matches my skin tone perfectly and blends very easily.


Goal: Make something from my Pinterest board.

Results: WELL. I purchased spray paint, a wooden ampersand, thumbtacks, magnets and canvases. I bought the stuff to execute said projects, does that count?

goals-kinda successful


Results:  When packing to move out from college, I tossed all of my old mascaras. Including the afore mentioned L’Oreal Miss Manga mascara that smells pretty funky. I also tossed a bunch of products that were quite old or I never used. Still have a ton of makeup, but I DID toss a bunch of things!


Goal: Splurge on a neutral eyeshadow palette

Results: Well, I DID just splurge on make up, but none of the items were eye shadow. Oops. I finally bought the NYX Copenhagen I’ve been drooling over since Christmas and a few other make-up products that I’ve been eyeing. I splurged on makeup…just not a palette. I cannot commit to a palette!



Goal: Finish the semester with mostly A’s

Results: Very proud to say I finished my first year of college with all A-‘s and A’s with the exception of one B!


Goal: Create an online portfolio of my writing and graphic design work.

Results: I have not even started this. I did bookmark a lot of my online work, though? It’s gathered but not anywhere yet.



Goal: Drink healthier coffee

Results: So I planned to cut down to one Splenda packet and two little coffee creamers. I did this for the most part. There were two or three days where  I slipped up and put two sugars, so to combat it I would put one less creamer. My coffee still tastes pretty good, I’m definitely gonna stick to my new “healthier” coffee! Plus, I recently accidentally put too sugars and now it’s way too sweet. I trained my brain to prefer less sweet coffee, I think? Awesome.


Goal: Cut out chips

Results: I went almost the whole month without chips BUT I accidentally broke this goal promise when I ate a handful of Salt & Vinegar chips–my weakness! Otherwise, I think this goal was a success. I only ate chips once this month!


Goal: Train my brain to be healthier??

Results: I deleted most of my fitness apps to save space and basically just eat whatever I want. I did eat some vegan food and lots of salads at my internship, though, does that count? I also watched a food documentary that inspired me to be healthy for about an hour after watching it. Then I ate cookies.


Did you set any monthly goals for yourself and complete them? 


Paige’s Personality Posts: Ennegram Personality New 9 Types

I am obsessed with personality tests. Or just quizzes or personality things in general. Those quizzes from those J-14 and Tiger Beat magazines that asked, “What’s your summer fragrance personality?”or “Which celeb is your perfect date?” were the bomb. I used to literally collect those quizzes.

I have decided to share my fascination with these quizzes on this here blog–doesn’y everyone love a good quiz and diagnostic of themselves?

The personality test I chose for this post is the Ennegram Personality New 9 Types personality test, which you can take here. Basically, your results show you how many points you score in each of these categories:


So, you answer a few questions and BOOM you get your results. Wanna see mine? They’re a bit frightening:


I am very clearly a Type 8: The Leader and really not a Type 2: The Helper or Type 9: The Peacemaker. Oops. I’m a bit of the Motivator and the Artist, which I totally agree with. I wonder how accurate this is. I think I’m a bit of a leader but I like to think I’m not  negative peacemaker and helper.

What were your results? 


Links I Love { 5/23/2015}

links i love

As a lover of blogs and Internet in general, I have come across many splendid things this week that I must share!

First of all, this video both impressed me AND made me tear up. An engaged couple, using talented make-up artists, sees what they will look like as they age! It got surprisingly romantic and insanely awesome.

My family are huge fans of reality TV and so when we heard about the 19 Kids & Counting’s cancellation amid the whole sex abuse scandal we were (a little bit) surprised. Then again, we also figured with a family that big one of them was bound to be even a bit bad.

Some self-promo here, whoops! I’m super proud of my article for College Fashion about 12 Things My Freshman Year Taught Me. A lot of soul went into it and it’s been well-received! Thought I would share.

Okay, it’s not spring but this article about cleaning for college in terms of online life, actual life and academic life is perfect for summer and I’ve been trying to follow it!

This really pissed me off–some dude has been selling Instagram screenshots without people’s permission and selling them for thousands of dollars. WHo would even buy this? Just take your own screenshot and blow it up at Staples. Sheesh.

Having recently purchased White Vans and White Converse (I’m in love with both, they’re so comfy and cute), I’m obsessed with this article that has tips on how to wear white white canvas sneakers!

Having grown up a fan and lover of The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, seeing the The Real Reason Dylan and Cole Left Disney made me respect the twins even more than I already do!