5 Things to Do This Summer (Besides Watching Netflix)

  5 Things To Do This Summer (Besides Watching Netflix) // eyelinerwingsandprettythings

Summer is the best and worst of times. Let’s be real–we’re not on the beach every single day (as everyone besides me would like to be), we’re not partying under the stars at bonfires every weekend and we’re not having crazy road trips biweekly with our best friends. Maybe you are and if you are I am admittedly jealous.

Most of our summer is spent on summer jobs or internships and then there’s downtime for the occasional hanging out with friends or mostly watching Netflix and browsing the Internet for hours on end.

Instead of watching that tenth episode in a row of Parks & Rec (love that show!), why not try some of these slightly more productive ideas?

1- DIY something. Instead of pinning a million things on Pinterest (guilty!) why not try actually doing some of the projects? Turn a t-shirt into a crop top or make a fabric-covered cork board or something. But be sure not to get caught up in the Pinterest vortex. Pick a project and do it.

5 Things To Do This Summer (Besides Watching Netflix) // eyelinerwingsandprettythings

These are some of my homemade cupcakes with homemade frosting! I was so proud of my piping skills!

2- Cook something. Again, use those Pinterest recipes or dust off some cookbooks. Delicious food is always fantastic but being able to say that you made it? Perfection. If you’re feeling extra bored and daring, why not try cupcakes? They’re my favorite time-consuming thing to bake!

3- Exercise! Make an upbeat playlist and go for a run. Well, maybe a walk. Go for a walk! Maybe do some yoga or something (I’m not personally a fan of yoga—relax?!?! HOW DO YOU RELAX?!). Even if it’s just doing a Blogilates workout or some squats, it’s still something.

4- Update your LinkedIn/Resume. This is probably sort of boring but you’ll thank yourself when you’re trying to get an internship or job. At least it’s more productive (though less interesting) than scrolling on Tumblr.

5- Find Local Events. The other day, while in New Jersey, my friends and I randomly stumbled upon Riverfest—a free music festival. There are probably so many cool events (and free ones!) happening around your town or the next town over. Find them! Festivals, fairs, carnivals, flea markets…there are so many cool things to go to! Try Googling your town name and “free events”!

Those are just some ideas! Personally I’ve been spending most of my free time seeing friends I didn’t see during the year and writing blog posts. I’m also incredibly thankful for my internship that helps me fill three out of seven days of the week. Too much free time kills me!

    What’s your favorite thing to do during the summer?

Paige signature eyelinerwingsandprettythings

Concert Tips: 8 Things to NEVER Bring to A Concert

concert tips // 8 things to never bring to a concert - via eyelinerwingsandprettythings

AKA a guide on how to avoid being that girl at the concert. You know, that girl—the one that everyone is whispering about and glaring at. It totally happens. There are just some things that don’t belong at a concert and bringing them will result in regret, the receiving of attitude and/or the losing or confiscation of said item.

OH! P.S. make sure if you’re going to a One Direction concert, do not bring your snark and blunt honesty (at least not in a loud voice). At a One Direction concert I might have jokingly mentioned that Harry’s hair looked greasy enough to cook french fries. I heard a lot of tweens whispering about how I was a terrible fan and I’m pretty sure I heard one girl tell her mother that I was satanic. Watch what you say at some concerts—you don’t want an angry mob after you.


Okay, we get it. You just HEART Harry. You need a giant banner to proclaim it to the world! Here’s the facts:

  • Your sign is probably common sense. OBVIOUSLY you love the artist, you spent money to see them. Even if it’s funny, the chance of the artist seeing it is small and the chance of the artist acknowledging it is even smaller. (Exception: if it is your birthday, some artists might call attention if you’re close enough for them to read it)
  • You’ll probably have to throw it out. At my first 1D concert, there was literally a rule that if your sign was bigger than your head (mine wasn’t, aha!),  it goes in the trash. The sign you spent hours on is garbage now.
  • Everyone’s going to want to punch you. Seriously, you’re blocking the view of so many people who paid a lot of money to see the artist. Especially general admission—if you bring a sign of any sorts to a general admission show I can promise you that someone will destroy it (or push you). Concerts are ruthless—I might have angrily and passive aggressively told a row of ten year olds to put their signs down at a concert. Might have.
  • You won’t want to carry it. You’ll be dancing and recording the concert with your phone. There’s probably no place for you to put your sign (except wedged between your legs or shoved under your seat) and you’re going to get tired of holding it up really quickly.

2. Expensive anything.

You don’t need your Ray-Bans for a concert. Wear a cheap pair that, if it breaks, you won’t be broken-hearted. Also try to avoid the designer bags. You’re probably either going to be putting your bag on the dirty, sticky floor or getting God-knows-what on it by carrying it with you. People spill things and everyone sweats…

3. Open drinks.

I know you don’t want to drop $7 on a bottle of water at the venue, but if you’re going to bring your own make sure it’s sealed or you’ll have to toss it in the trash. This is because they assume (rightfully so) that opened drinks contain alcohol.

4. A backpack.

At my last Ed Sheeran concert, this chick had a GIANT backpack. It was stuffed to the brim and it kept pushing into my friend who was stuck behind her. Everyone was so angry at this chick—the backpack takes up too much standing room and what could you possibly have in there? If you must bring a backpack, bring a tiny drawstring one that won’t be the size of a child. Better yet—bring a crossbody bag. All you really need is your ID, tickets, cash, cell phone and maybe sunglasses.

concert tips // 8 things to never bring to a concert via eyelinerwingsandprettythings

5. An obnoxious hairstyle or hat.

This one should be obvious, but there are going to be people behind you (unless you’re in the absolute last row of nosebleed seats—then feel free to have a freaking beehive hairdo if you wish). Would you want the person in front of you to have a fedora or a really high ponytail? Probably not. Hats are just totally unnecessary, but when it comes to hairstyle try to stick to wearing your hair down or in a low ponytail or braid. Also, if the person in front of you has a hat on or a really high top knot that’s hindering your view, don’t be afraid to politely ask them to take it down. They might not, but at least you can rightfully complain to your friends because you tried to do something about it.

6.Things to throw on stage.

First of all, you probably won’t be close enough to throw anything on stage. Second of all, the majority of things thrown on stage will either hit the performers (which can result in security trying to find you) or end up being swept up and thrown in the trash. Also, don’t throw your bra on stage. It’s such a waste of a bra. ALSO, at some venues security will go through your bag and potentially make you toss the items. At One Direction concerts especially they are very against you throwing stuff on stage.


I’m not saying don’t drink at the concert but I am saying the safest (although more expensive) way to get your fill of alcohol is buying it at the venue. Most venues sell alcohol (and those that don’t are probably even more strict about alcohol) and yours will most likely get taken before you even get into the venue. Also, don’t get totally smashed. If you wanted to get drunk you should go to a bar, not an expensive concert. *Cough* Mid-twenties couples that were in front of me at Ed Sheeran’s MSG show and spent the whole time buying drinks and drunkenly yelling, I’m looking at you.

8. A DSLR Camera.

Okay, this one depends on the venue. Check the venue’s site or call the venue before you take my word on this but more than half of the concerts I’ve gone to have prohibited any professional recording devices. Most artists don’t want HQ recordings of their shows maybe because if they ever make a live concert movie these free online videos will take away from that. I don’t know, but don’t go toting your super expensive camera unless you see if you’re even allowed to take it out. Also, unless you have floor seats or plan on camping out to be close to the stage, you’re probably not going to get really amazing shots and you might be better off using your phone.

I can’t really think of anything else. Don’t bring weapons or fireworks, obviously, and be sure to check the venue’s website for any other specific guidelines! Some venues have weird no-no’s that you should look out for.

  OH, don’t forget to check out my related post on How To Survive A General Admission Concert!

Paige signature eyelinerwingsandprettythings

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Mascara: Hits & Misses


My name is Paige and I have a problem. I’m addicted to mascaras.

It all began a few years ago when I fell into the trap of the beautiful packaging and big promises. I, as someone who loves my eyes and refuses to wear at least mascara and concealer on a daily basis, began hoarding mascaras.

I even keep the old and empty mascara bottles. I told you, I have a problem!

Even when a mascara is amazing, I never repurchase it. Nope, never. I simply buy a new mascara! Why not? It’s a circle of terror, truly. Anyways. Here are some of my favorite (and least favorite mascaras).


L’Oreal Paris Volume Million Lashes Excess Extra Black

  This mascara is my holy grail. I’ve been using this mascara since the beginning of freshman year which basically is probably dangerous and not very smart, (don’t do it) but it works like a charm and I cannot part with it. It lengthens your eyelashes like no other.

L’Oreal Paris Mega Volume Miss Manga

  There are like ten new Miss Manga mascaras that I’m dying to get my hands on because I loved this mascara. Plus, the packaging is cuter than words.

Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes

  First of all, the name is adorable. I never buy high-end mascaras but the full size of this came with the Sephora Lash Stash (that I get for Christmas every year) and I fell in love. The packaging is lovely and the brush is so long, which is perfect for easily covering all of your lashes.

Rimmel London Scandaleyes Mascara

  Again, the packaging is adorable. BUT the brush is like hourglass-y and it works like a charm. I’ve also been using this mascara for a scary long time (I know you need to throw make-up away and it’s dangerous blah blah).


Rimmel London Scandaleyes Rockin’ Curves Mascara

I just opened this the other day and the brush is so cool looking and unique–it’s this leafy curvy kind of shape. The packaging is also amazing. This mascara does nothing for me. It actually does nothing. Nada. Not a fan at all.

L’Oreal Paris Telescopic Mascara

The brush for this is really thin and small, which would be perfect for catching every lash, right? Wrong. The brush bends so easily and it is so hard to get back into the bottle. I actually despise this mascara–not for formula but for the poor quality brush. The brush is so so flimsy.

Smashbox Full Exposure Mascara

This also came with a Sephora lash stash, full size, just last Christmas. The brush is a nice brush but the formula is way too wet. It takes too long to dry and it clumps your eyelashes together. Not a fan.

Rimmel Wonder’full Mascara with Argon Oil

Argon oil? Sounds like it’ll be amazing! Nope. This mascara was overpriced due to the added argon oil and it does nothing. The argon oil makes no difference–this mascara just blatantly, well, sucks.

What are some of your favorite and least favorite mascaras? Let me know!


Track-by-Track Album Review: Zella Day’s “Kicker”

album review kicker zella day

Okay, I mentioned Zella once before in this post and that very day I walked ten blocks in the rain to buy her album (she RT’d my tweet about it, ahhh!) and I don’t regret it. Zella day’s Indie-Pop sort of album is incredibly catchy and wonderful and so, here is my track-by-track review!

zella day kicker track by track review

1. Jerome 10/10

Her voice sounds so angelic but haunting, this song definitely gives me Lana Del Rey vibes but with a much better twist. It’s very catchy. I’m surprised she made such a pretty and emotional ballad with a guy’s name–I dig it. I feel like most songs with actual names as the title are female names (ie: Stella – All Time Low, Annabelle – A Rock to the Moon) so this was a pleasant surprise. It’s such an upbeat but haunting ballad about a love that didn’t treat her well and I love it!
FAVE LYRIC: “He was a quiet man / With blood stains on his hands”

2. High 5/10

Not a huge fan of this, it just bores me a little bit. It’s just one of those forgettable tracks that nearly every album has, this is the one that I’ll skip to get to my favorites.
FAVE LYRIC: No lyrics stand out to me.

3. Ace of Hearts 3/10

Not a fan of the loud and overly electric sort of beat. Her voice kind of falls to the background of the beat. The music is truly unpleasant. It doesn’t match the words and it’s just too much, this doesn’t even go with the album. This is defintely my least favorite track
FAVE LYRIC: “What you’re afraid of / Is where I just came from”

4. 1965 9/10

I love this song so much–to me it’s about wanting to go back to the good times with a lost love and it’s beautifully relatable. Her voice towards the end gets so beautifully rough and emotional and I love it, the way she sings “with a love so sweet it makes me sad” at around 3:02 towards the end is my absolute favorite thing.
FAVE LYRIC: “I never had nobody touch me like I’m glass / You had me spinnin’ in the midnight summer grass”

5. East of Eden 9/10

I love the light bubbly vibe that turns into this powerful Imagine Dragons-y intense dark beat for the chorus. The lyrics don’t make much sense (at least not to me) but they sound cool and eerie.
FAVE LYRICS: “Call me wild, drinking up the sunshine / Be my man and show me what it feels like”

6. Hypnotic 9/10

This song has a lot of funky Cleopatra vibes, it’s quite a jam. I really like this song, it’s very catchy! I feel like this is the kind of song that would be dramatically sung in an empty theatre or something, it has that eerie cool vibe.
FAVE LYRIC: “Magnetic everything about you / You really got me now”

7. Mustang Kids (ft. Baby E) 8/10

I actually love Baby E’s rap part, it’s so catchy. I can’t tell if Baby E is a male or female, though, they have a pleasantly androgynous voice. This is a great song to blast in the desert in a convertible while you drink cans of beer and wear funky sunglasses.
FAVE LYRIC: “We got guns, got drugs, got the sun and the moon / We got big city plans but it always rains”

8. The Outlaw Josey Wales 6/10

This had a weird electric mariachi band vibe, I can’t say it was my favorite. This made me Google Josey Wales (yes, he’s an actual outlaw), maybe everyone knows who he is? I didn’t. I’m not a fan of the chorus part with “Josey Wales”, it doesn’t flow too well, but I quite like the rest of the song.
FAVE LYRIC: “There’s nothing, to hold you down / It’s like no one knows where you came from”

9. Jameson 5/10

Definitely a softer acoustic tune–I was surprised it had simple guitar! She sounds very Sheryl Crow mixed with Lana Del Rey, it’s oddly lovely…This is definitely the most shocking track on the album, it’s just so raw. It’s about a place or person or something called “Jameson” that’s keeping her love away from her even though she needs him.
FAVE LYRIC: “You’re a quiet man but in the worst way / I’m not a follower and I won’t follow you down”

10. Shadow Preachers 8/10

I like this song a lot. The beginning is my favorite part and I enjoy most of the song but the chorus is actually my least favorite part. It has this pretty vibe that seems to portray what a relationship is like when one person keeps fighting to keep it and the other is long gone. Beautifully done!
FAVE LYRIC: “If I stop trying / we start dying”

11. Sweet Ophelia 9/10

Despite its simple lyrics, this song is such a jam. This is the song that gets stuck in your head for days and days, it’s SO CATCHY! Once that chorus starts you can’t help but bob your head and whip your hair around and dance. It’s about a young girl who got corrupted or lost her innocence too soon.
FAVE LYRIC: Honestly? This song is one of the most lyrically weak ones on the album in my opinion, none of the lyrics stood out to me.

12. Compass 10/10

I love this track! Definitely one of my favorites. It’s so laid back and relaxed but the lyrics are incredibly pretty–I love how her voice is truly the focal point of this track. The instruments are very simple and it compliments her voice very well!
FAVE LYRIC: “Take me to the garden of your ecstasy / Make myself a heaven from your falling leaves


This album is electrically haunting, I’m very impressed! A few songs are sort of duds to me, but she made up for them with amazing ballads or absolute jams. The fact that she also writes her own songs is incredibly impressive–singer-songwriters are my weakness! The whole album has quite a cohesive sound (minus Jameson) and it tells a whole story. Zella Day is definitely an artist to look out for.

I bet this would sound amazing live, unfortunately her NYC concert is only 21+.I thought once I turned 18 the world would totally be my oyster and I would be able to get into everything. Nope. Did you know Webster Hall literally even has 19+ concerts (?!?!?!?). Hmph.

  Have you listened to Kicker yet? Which track is your favorite?

Paige signature eyelinerwingsandprettythings

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