DIY Neon-Dipped Alphabet Magnets

DIY Alphabet Magnets: Neon-Dipped // via eyeliner wings & pretty things

I’m pretty sure I saw something sort of  like this on Pinterest. I know I saw metallic spray painted letters on Pinterest but this I’m not so sure. Anyway, I bought two sets of alphabet magnets from the dollar store and decided I was going to make them DIY’d and beautiful for the fridge in my college townhouse this year! These are perfect for mini fridges in dorms, actual regular sized fridges and just about anything magnetic.  They are really easy to customize and change up the colors! So, ladies (and very few gents), here are how to make these DIY alphabet magnets. There are also a ton of tips and things not to do sprinkled throughout! Read More →

♡ Links I Love { 8/20/15 } ♡

Links I Love NEW


I read so many blogs and thus, I come across a lot of things I love. Everyone loves to share the things they love with people they like, don’t they? I do. Here are some fabulous posts and articles I’ve come across recently and wanted to share!

This post 11 Things I Know For Sure from Laurel Musical is awesome. The eleven things are all incredibly true and inspiring. I particularly love the quote from it, “As you continue your pursuit of happiness, memories will multiple and you will begin to recognize who, what, and where you feel the happiest.” Absolutely true!

For some reason I really love reading people’s bucket lists. I have my own bucket list that I always update and edit, and I guess other peoples’ inspire me. Kayla’s Bucket List is awesome and divided into categories. She’s definitely inspired me to add new things to my own list! I hope to post my bucket list soon.

Why Society Needs To Stop Telling Women They Don’t Need Make-up is everything! As someone who loves wearing make-up and hates being told “I don’t need it!!!” and having people assume I’m hiding something by wearing it, this article is so true and hits close to home.

This How It Feels When Everyone’s Hanging Out Without You is funny and way too accurate. FOMO is such a thing, and this post is all too real.

Articles like this one “What Your Eye Color Says About You” are usually never accurate (namely, a bunch of crap). This one is kind of accurate to me though, as a light eyed person I can admit that I am crabby and I do think those with darker eyes seem more trustworthy. Fascinating.


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My HGTV #BloggerBlockParty Experience

My HGTV #BloggerBlockParty Experience

So yesterday I got to attend the HGTV #bloggerblockparty in Manhattan and it was a pretty cool experience. First of all, the venue (once we finally got to it after getting lost many times, good thing I followed these tips for commuting in NYC!) was GORGEOUS. It was definitely an interesting and fun experience!

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Track-by-Track Album Review: Melanie Martinez’s ‘Cry Baby’

Track-by-Track Album Review: Melanie Martinez's 'Cry Baby'

Melanie Martinez was one of my favorites on The Voice. Her unique voice and her split colored hair really pulled me in. I was with her for her first Dollhouse EP and I’m with her for her new album, “Cry Baby.” This was definitely one of the most unique albums I’ve listened to. Her theme was very creepy toys and sinister messed up children based on what I’ve gathered and…well…it’s what is sounds like.

She incorporates nursery rhymes, toy-like noises and childlike playground songs in a creepy way and also has demonic voices or sound effects throughout the songs…so…yeah. Here’s what I thought of this Alternative Pop album.

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