I apologize for the use of profanity, but is there really any better and honest way to phrase it? The older I get, the more I realize that no one really knows what they’re doing. It’s an oddly reassuring and slightly horrifying realization. This week I’ve felt particularly like I don’t have my life together because I’ve taken on more than I can chew obligation-wise, applied for more applications and had deadlines, travel plans and anxiety acting like a dark cloud over my head.
Lately I’ve felt a lot of writer’s block and I felt as though my blog was becoming too cookie cutter–I had been writing far too many cliches and pretty words while discounting my more sarcastic voice. Well, folks, from the profanity in the title alone I guess you can see that I’ve turned that car right around and am headed back to my roots. This is me, getting my blogging shit together.
It’s not easy to get your life together and the truth is, you’ll never have it totally together, but you can definitely make yourself look and feel pretty put together with a few easy tips. So, ladies and gents, here are ways to get your shit together (or at least feel like you have it together)!
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