How to End The Semester Strong

How to End The Semester Strong - Ending the Semester on a High Note

As the end of the semester approaches, you may very likely find yourself crawling, slithering or crying to the end of the semester. You might find yourself half-assing (or even quarter-assing or none-assing) assignments and study sessions. You may find that your eating and sleeping habits are getting even worse than they already were. But there’s no need to fear because you can absolutely end the semester strong.

Just because you see the light at the end of the tunnel, whether it be summer or winter break, it doesn’t mean you should slow your pace and give up! In fact, it means you should take it to the next level and sprint through that tunnel with your head held high, grades strong and mental stability as intact as possible. Without any further ado (because, like, it’s almost the end of the semester and you don’t have time to read this), here are some ways to end the semester strong.

1. Schedule time in the library

As in, add it to your planner and Google Calendar. Instead of the casual, “Maybe I’ll go to the library” take it more seriously. If you need to, meet a friend there so you won’t bail on them. When at the library, bring snacks and water to avoid any excuses to leave. Create a to-do list and get shit done.

2. Make actual plans with friends

So the entire semester passed and you haven’t made any real plans with friends at all. It happens–people get busy. Take some time to reach out to the friends you haven’t seen enough of this semester and make concrete plans to get food or go shopping. “We should hang out!” should become an actual plan. This can help brighten up the end of the semester and help you keep your friendships strong.

{ Related: 13 Ways to be a better friend }

3. Make a list of things to look forward to

Instead of getting stuck in the slump of due dates and winding down courses, look ahead at the things that’ll happen next semester. This could be cuddling with your puppy over winter break, getting a tan this summer, your fun class for next semester or even just not having to write any more literature reviews for a while. Stick these on your mirror or somewhere you look every morning to remind you to keep going.

4. Reflect on your goals and make new ones

If you had goals, did you complete them? If you didn’t have prior goals (or even if you did) take this time to set your next semester goals. This can be anything from joining a new club, getting promoted at work or getting straight As. This will help you stay in focus and prepare for next semester.

5. Stock up on healthy snacks

Okay, they don’t all need to be healthy. We all need Oreos and comfort food sometimes, especially towards finals. Just try not to eat absolutely horribly. Stock up on some protein bars, fruit, nuts and even vegetables to keep your energy up. The better you eat, the better you generally feel and feeling good is crucial if you want to end the semester strong.

6. Prioritize

Hopefully everything isn’t due all at once (if so, I’m so sorry). Map out every single exam date and due date on a calendar or checklist to help map your priorities. The further you can plan in advance, the more you can avoid overwhelming yourself. If you need help with this, I suggest using a priority ranking guide.

7. Check in with your professors

If you’re worried about your grade or want to double check that you’re on the right track, I suggest speaking to your professor. Obviously don’t wait too late to do this because it might be a point of no return, but in some cases you might be able to make up an assignment you didn’t realize you missed or earn participation points you’ve been slacking on.

{Related: What to do if you’re failing a class}

8. Clean out everything

The semester is ending, which means you’ll be heading out soon. Take this opportunity to clean all of your shit. This includes your wardrobe, your desk, your backpack and bathroom. This also includes going through your snacks/fridge and tossing expired food or food that’s been there since August that you know you’re never going to eat. This is also a good time to cook any food that’s going to expire soon–don’t let too much go to waste! If anything, have a potluck with friends to use all of that food before the semester is over.

This is also a good time to cook any food that’s going to expire soon–don’t let too much go to waste! If anything, have a potluck with friends to use all of that food before the semester is over.

{Related: Dorm cleaning guide + free printable}


What are your tips for ending the semester strong?

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4 Thoughts on “How to End The Semester Strong

  1. I will definitely need to visit my professors soon! Haha

    XO from Austin,

    Sarah | The Bella Insider | @sarah_thebella

  2. Tally up everything that needs to be done, even if you have a planner, so you can cross it off your list and make it all a priority!

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