Finally, I can say I’ve checked off a major item on my bucket list. I finally went to London! I’m not going to turn into one of those “Being abroad changed my LIFE! London has a piece of my heart!” people, but I will say it was a really cool place, I had a really fun time and I’d like to go back.
Through a school abroad program, I spent the past two weeks in London and other areas of the United Kingdom and they were absolutely amazing. Due to the terrible attacks in Borough Market and the London Bridge, my trip ended up not returning to London for the second week. Scarily, Borough Market and London Bridge were the two places I had been just a few hours before the attacks. What happened was awful and though myself and the other students on my trip wished to stay in London, our trip continued to Stratford-upon-Avon and was diverted to Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Portsmouth. All of these places were beautiful and I’m happy I got to experience them, and I hope to return to London someday. Even if I don’t, I still got to see and experience a lot of things. Here’s what I saw, did, loved and here are my tips for traveling to London (and other areas of the U.K.).
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