Category Archives: Lifestyle

20 Signs He Likes You As More Than A Friend

20 Signs He Likes You As More Than A Friend // eyeliner wings & pretty things

This question is a question nearly every girl will ask themselves multiple times throughout life. Does he like me? After you first ask yourself this question, you become an analyst for every text and conversation until you finally and most likely (if you’re like me) end up Googling signs he likes you and thus begins a further investigation.

As someone who’s often asked this question and helped others find the answer to this question, I can tell you that there are definitely some signs that he likes you. Let me start this with a little bitty disclaimer: these may not apply to every single person and situation. Seriously, use your common sense and interactions with the dude in question and mix it with these signs.

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8 Ways To End Your Phone Addiction

8 Ways To Use Your Phone Less - ew & pt

I don’t know about you, but for me it’s absolutely impossible to go an hour without looking at my phone. Even if it’s just to make sure nothing has happened, my phone is in my palm and my eyes are glued to the screen. It’s a horrible habit and it needs to end.

I decided to start a mini mission to cut down on my smart phone usage and I came up with some tips to help break a phone addiction and I must admit, I felt a lot less FOMO and I felt more calm and present. The simple truth is that if you begin to use your phone less, you’ll definitely have some mental changes. Anyways, if you find your iPhone is often glued to your palm like mine, here is exactly how to break your phone addiction in a few simple steps.

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15 Productive Ways to Procrastinate

15 Productive Ways to Procrastinate

You know what feeling when you want to do something, but not the something that you actually need to be doing? Yeah, that feeling is tough. When this feeling hits and you feel like temporarily avoiding responsibilities, why not avoid them in a productive manner so you can at least feel some sense of accomplishment?

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Productive & Realistic New Year Resolution Ideas

Productive & Realistic New Year's Resolutions Ideas // eyeliner wings and pretty things

Everyone and their mother makes New Year’s Resolutions but does anyone actually keep them? New Year’s Resolutions are, truthfully, a great idea. Setting a goal that’s meant to better yourself is always a great idea, but executing grand plans aren’t always the easiest.

Here are some productive and realistic New Year resolution ideas for anyone who isn’t sure what to do or how to tackle a huge goal.

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