Category Archives: College And Internships

10 College Essentials Under $10

10 College Essentials Under $10 - Things to pack for college // eyeliner wings & pretty things

Packing for college is expensive as hell, there’s no getting around it. Luckily these college essentials are all under $10 which means your wallet can forgive you.

Carolyn from Diary of a Tall Girl wrote a similar post way back when and I thought it was such a cool idea that I had to challenge myself to do the same. I mean, under ten bucks seems incredibly reasonable and these odds and ends are definitely affordable essentials. I was very careful not to make this the same as my 12 Things You’ll Forget to Pack for College because that list is definitely more obscure. These are also things you’d probably forget to pack for college, but they’re definitely essentials.

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10 Things You MUST Do During College Orientation

10 Things You MUST Do During College Orientation - College Orientation Tips // eyeliner wings & pretty things
College orientation is one of your first tastes of life at the college you’ve chosen to spend the next chunk of your life at. No pressure, right? While college orientation is always fun, it’s also very stressful. I mean, you’re on the grounds of your future home, meeting dozens or even hundreds of faces you will be surrounded by for the next few years while also trying to put forth a great image for yourself.

Did I stress you out enough? Great. Turn your stress into positive energy and enthusiasm! These college orientation tips will help you tackle the day with your head held high and a smile on your face.

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How to Deal With Being Sick In College

How to Deal With Being Sick In College // eyeliner wings and pretty things

Being sick (obviously) sucks, but being sick in college is way worse. You’re surrounded by people and trying to juggle schoolwork, social plans and sleep deprivation while also trying to get better ASAP without losing your mind. While this post won’t magically cure whatever you have, it will definitely help make your being sick in college experience a little bit more bearable.

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5 Common Roommate Problems & Solutions

5 Common Roommate Problems & Solutions // eyeliner wings & pretty things
Living with someone else is never an easy feat. While there are plenty of ways to be a good roommate, there’s no way to avoid roommate problems entirely. Whether these problems are minor or major, they still exist and should be dealt with properly in order to avoid a total catastrophe. Let’s be real–you can print and sign all of the roommate contracts in the world but I promise it will most likely end up being a forlorn piece of paper that ends up getting lost behind your mini fridge or never looked at again. Roomie contracts are a great idea in theory, but aren’t most things?

On that note also, passive aggressive notes are never the answer either, and tolerating major problems for the sake of avoiding confrontation isn’t the solution either. Whether your roommate is a stranger from the other side of the world, an acquaintance or your best friend, here are some potential ways to solve common roommate problems.

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