Category Archives: Career

8 ways to make the most of your lunch break

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and The Coca-Cola Company. All opinions are mine alone. #Myvitaminwater #vwlabelcontest #CollectiveBias

How to make the most of your lunch break / ew & pt #ad #Myvitaminwater #vwlabelcontest

Even though I don’t go hiking through waterfalls and traveling the world on a daily basis, I think my life is pretty interesting. I just adopted two kittens (and made them an Instagram), I intern in NYC five days a week and I’m only 21. There’s a lot going on. But, from 9:00 – 5:30 on weekdays, the level of interesting takes a dip.

Work is, well, work. But I don’t want to let it get me down or feel like it has to be a boring part of my day. So, I’ve decided to start using my half hour  – one hour lunch breaks to keep things interesting. Here’s how you can, too.

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6 things that can help you find your actual dream job

How to find your dream job - ways to figure out what your dream job is
The earliest dream job I can remember is Graphic Designer — back when I was twelve and was obsessed with designing and coding graphics for Neopets. Then, I had an HGTV obsession and wanted to be an Interior Designer for sure. I had an epiphany in high school that I was destined to be an elementary school teacher (this did not last long).

I then realized I really wanted to write…and now I think I want to edit. I might also want to be a journalism professor? I still don’t know what my actual dream job is — or if it even exists. That being said, there are a lot of things that can help you discover your dream job. Let’s figure it out together.

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The ‘adulting’ guide to finding a job

This is a sponsored post in partnership with and Her Campus Media. All words and opinions are my own

The adulting guide to finding a job - job hunt tips // ew & pt

I have applied to hundreds of internships and jobs. I was the girl with the spreadsheet who spent all of my senior year of college in an anxious panic about having nowhere to go and nothing to do post-grad. Things worked out. But, finding a job was not an easy task. It was a never-ending process—and since I’m only in my twenties and am unsure of my career path, it still is.

Job hunting doesn’t have to make you eat ice cream out of the carton and lie on the floor in a hopeless state. It will probably never be fun, but there are a few ways to make it a hell of a lot easier.

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How to make your commute better

How to have a better commute how to make your commute better
When I was but a wee freshman doing my very first internship, I created Tips for Commuting in NYC. Since then, I have spent so many months of my life commuting to and from this magical yet awful city. I have become so jaded. But, I have figured out how to make my commute, which is usually an hour and a half to two hours, a lot more bearable and sometimes even something I (sort of) enjoy.

So, here are some ways you can make your commute better. It still won’t be good, but it’ll suck less.

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