Author Archives: Paige

• college lifestyle, beauty & fashion blogger | born & raised new yorker | lover of sharp wit & sharper eyeliner •

5 Books Every Millennial Should Read

5 Books Every Millennial Should Read - Millennial Book Suggestions // ew & pt

Like most people who love writing, I really enjoy reading. Also upon Googling the correct spelling of “millennial” because for me it’s just one of those words I discovered that the cutoff for millennials is those born in 1995 and I was born in 1996 so I’m kind of miffed about that but I’m going to pretend I’m a millennial anyway la dee da.

So here are five books I think every millennial should read and yeah, this is totally subjective but so is 99.9% of things on the Internet. Without further ado, here are some book suggestions from one (almost? honorary? self-proclaimed?) millennial to another.

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10 Things NOT to do The Summer Before Starting College

10 Things NOT to do The Summer Before Starting College - Incoming Freshman's Guide // ew & pt

There are a ton of posts of things to do before starting your freshman year of college. In fact, I even have one which you can find here (subtle promo, right?).  Starting college is a huge life change and it’s crazy and blah blah blah stereotypical garbage, we all know how major college is. While everyone is probably telling you things you should do or ways to get ready for college, there’s probably not enough people telling you not to do things. I’m here to burst your bubble in a nice, advice-giving sort of way. A college student stranger on the Internet with a domain name and a fancy post graphic is totally qualified to give you advice, right?

For every thing you should do before starting college there’s definitely a thing you shouldn’t do and without further ado, here they are.

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8 Ways To Fix a Bad Day

8 Ways To Fix a Bad Day - Bad Day Remedies // ew & pt

Sometimes you’re just having a crappy day. There’s no exact way to solve a bad day or simply make everything sunshine and rainbows, but there are a few ways to make a bad day a little less bad. Honestly, you have nothing to lose with these tips. The worst that’ll happen from trying these bad day fixes is that you smell nice and get well-rested.

You can’t always make a bad day better, but you can definitely avoid making it worse. It’s kind of like if you’re trapped in the middle of an ocean with no one around and no land as far as your eyes can see. You can’t really rescue yourself but you can stay afloat and not sink further into the water. I suck at metaphors but you get what I mean, right? Anyway, here are some ways to fix a bad day…or at least prevent it from getting worse.

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How Not To Be An Asshole: College Class Edition

How Not To Be An Asshole: College Class Edition - ew & pt

After writing 12 Ways To Be Less of an Asshole, I realized just how much the whole trying to be less of a jerk thing could extend beyond life in general and into the smaller facets of life. That was a confusing sentence but basically I thought it might be a nice series.

Perhaps you don’t consider yourself to be an asshole and maybe you aren’t one, but there are definitely habits you (and me, definitely me) can take on or end to be less of an asshole in college classes. Basically here are some ways to make your college classroom a better place. If you want to be as minimally annoying as possible to your professor and fellow classmates, these are some great tips to follow.  Note that this is definitely based on perception and a fairly loose definition of the term “asshole.”

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