Author Archives: Paige

• college lifestyle, beauty & fashion blogger | born & raised new yorker | lover of sharp wit & sharper eyeliner •

How to Thrive During Finals Week

This is a sponsored post in partnership with Dunkin’ Donuts and Her Campus Media. All words and opinions are my own.

How to Thrive During Finals Week - College Finals Guide // ew & pt

A lot of posts are all about surviving during finals week, but this soo isn’t Darwinism. Finals week is about thriving and being your best, most academic and learnèd self. I think it’s safe to say we’ve all had a finals week meltdown at some point whether it be throwing flashcards out of a window (and then picking them up because you actually REALLY needed them) or even full on crying under a table (even though you don’t know why you’re under a table). That’s okay. Really, I understand.

This finals week, though, you’re going to THRIVE. You’re going to be a beautiful, blossoming flower. You will not only ace your finals but also maintain your happiness and sanity levels as much as possible.

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2 year blogaversary + my favorite posts

blogaversary 2 years

I don’t normally post things like this and I hate when people start posts by saying “I don’t normally post things like this” but, alas, here I am. Two years! I started this blog two years ago. I was sitting on the couch in my living room, a few days in at my very first NYC internship and I decided to start a blog…

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How to Survive Being Home for the Summer

How to Survive Being Home for the summer - Being home from college in the summer - ew & pt

Whenever I’m home from college for the summer I encounter a lot of dilemmas:

  1. I now have to answer to my parents and they want to know where I am whereas, in college, I could be wherever whenever and only had to call them once a week.
  2. I’m away from all of my close proximity college friends and am given a huge expanse of free time.
  3. I spend way more money than I did while I was in college. Who knew ice cream and shopping trips could add up so quickly?!
  4. I’m so freaking bored and have endless amounts of time and nothing to do with it and thus fall into a bottomless pit of unproductiveness.

I know, I just spooked you for the summer. You’ve got a sense of dread that used to just be joy because finals are almost over. It’s okay, though! Being home for the summer isn’t a bad thing, but it will take some adjusting. Here’s how to survive being home for the summer without losing your sanity and productivity.

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How to Prepare for The First Week of Classes

How to Prepare for The First Week of Classes - College 101 // ew & pt

The first week of classes is exciting, stressful and certainly an adventure. It sets the tone for the school year and you’ll want to make sure you set the tone right. After you’ve done the 10 Things to Do The First Week of College, ensure you’re extra prepared by also prepping for your first week of classes.

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