Author Archives: Paige

• college lifestyle, beauty & fashion blogger | born & raised new yorker | lover of sharp wit & sharper eyeliner •

How to Form Relationships with Professors

How to Form Relationships with Professors - Making Connections with Professors / ew & pt

I know! I was skeptical, too. I went into college thinking going to get coffee with professors and talking to them about non-academic things was a load of B.S. Honestly, I assume a lot of college-related tips and insights are sort of B.S. But, as a senior, I can promise you that it is possible to form relationships with professors that go beyond sitting in their class.

There are some professors whose office hours I visit to chat and others who I tell about my blog and it’s lovely. Plus, it’s important to form relationships with professors. It can help you learn industry insights, make networking connections for internships and jobs, have a great reference during your career hunt or grad school application process and they can even be a great source of advice. Plus, when you make strong connections with professors they become a wonderful resource.

To clarify, by “relationships with professors” I am not talking about some PLL Aria and Ezra, student and teacher kind of business. Don’t do that. I digress. Here’s how to make some strong, genuine (non-morally ambiguous) connections with your college professors.

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How to Choose The Perfect Backpack for College (& What’s in Mine)

This is a sponsored post in partnership with High Sierra and Her Campus Media. All words and opinions are my own!

How to Choose The Perfect Backpack for College ( & What's in Mine)

From the time we’re in elementary school up until basically forever, backpacks are essential. My backpack holds my books and laptop one day for class and a change of clothes and my makeup bag for a weekend getaway the next. When you’re buying something that you’ll use every day for as long as possible (until it invariably rips), you want something good. Having owned plenty of backpacks (and some *shudder* messenger bags) in my time, I’ve finally figured out the formula for finding the perfect backpack for college.

While shopping for all of your college essentials don’t forget to shop for the crown jewel of it all — your backpack. Here’s exactly how to choose the perfect backpack and a peek inside of mine.

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How to be More Easygoing

How to be More Easygoing // eyeliner wings & pretty things

One of the last things someone would call me is easygoing. Or quiet, it depends on who you ask. I’m not particularly difficult but I’m certainly not easygoing. If there’s a sudden plan thrown at me or things take a turn I didn’t prepare for, I’m usually visibly thrown. When I’m asked to do something that I don’t entirely want to do or had planned to do, I’ll definitely hesitate before saying, “Yes, I guess so.”

But, I’ve noticed I surround myself with easygoing people. The people closest to me have always responded to my plans and half-baked ideas with, “Okay, let’s do it!” They carry on with nothing less than enthusiasm and easygoingness. There’s this theory that we become a mix of the five people we’re closest to and, while I don’t entirely believe it, I have found that people I love the most have qualities I admire. I wish I was as positive and enthusiastic about spontaneous plans and things I’m unsure of. So, in typical fashion, I’m writing an advice sort of post that’s also directed toward myself. From what I’ve observed and researched, here’s how to be more easygoing or at least here’s how to start the journey towards becoming just that.

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12 Things You Should Know About Yourself Before College

12 Things You Should Know About Yourself Before College - Things You MUST Know Before College // ew & pt

Does anyone really know themselves? In some moments we might feel 100% confident that yes, we do and in others, we might just feel like a giant question mark. I think during different periods in our lives we discover more pieces of who we are, and college is one of those periods. Between packing lists and summer reading assignments, your brain is on overdrive the summer before college. Do you want more things to worry about? Of course you do! You don’t really need to worry about these things, they’re more or less just some good things to think about. These are things you might already know about yourself or things you can spend the summer before college learning.

I know there’s a lot to think about, but try to stay calm. Don’t stress too much–You’ll learn these things about yourself eventually, but it’s best to learn them as soon as possible.

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