Author Archives: Paige

• college lifestyle, beauty & fashion blogger | born & raised new yorker | lover of sharp wit & sharper eyeliner •

My Post-Grad Plans & 3 Year Blogaversary

Whaddup readers? That was weird, I just felt like I should start the post with that. I’m currently on the ~other end~ of a breakdown. These past two weeks have been hard. I cried. I stressed. I stayed up really late. I panicked many times. I bitched to everyone close to me that would listen. I drank wine. I was a mess.  And everything has settled just in time for eyeliner wings & pretty things’ three-year blogaversary (!!!)

Here I am! In my pajamas, leisuring while I could probably be doing homework. Watching Desperate Housewives (It’s so good! I’m addicted) has now filled in the time I used to spend applying for jobs and internships. Let me tell you, that was a lot of time. Here’s where I’m at…

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10 Tips for Meeting Your Boyfriend’s Family

10 Tips for Meeting Your Boyfriend's Family - Advice for Meeting Your Significant Other's Family // ew & pt

Every relationship has certain checkpoints. The first date. The first kiss. The first argument. And, the first time you meet each other’s families. This is a big one. This means things are getting serious and that you’re taking a big step. But, also, meeting your boyfriend’s family or your girlfriend’s family can be stressful. Of course, you want them to like you.

First impressions are high stakes. Love is on the line. Well, maybe it’s not that dramatic, but it’s certainly really crucial. Making a really good impression on his/her parents and extended family makes relationships easier and, usually, happier. Here’s some helpful advice for the first time you meet your S.O’s family.

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How to Make Time for Socializing in College

How to Make Time for Socializing in College - Social & Making Friends in College // ew & pt

This past week has been super busy, and yet I’ve been as social as ever. Socializing in college stresses me out and makes my calendar extra overwhelming…but, it also makes me extra happy. I love being able to see friends and spend time with people while I still have the chance. (I’m not dying…just graduating….both are kind of similar)

The older you get, the more you need to legitimately make time for people and make actual plans. There is less casually bumping into friends or making plans five minutes before they happen. While that’s kind of stressful, it can be pretty nice to know how your social calendar is shaping up for the next two weeks. Here are some ways to make time and make plans for socializing in college.

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10 Ways to Remain Calm in College

10 Ways to Remain Calm in College - Keeping Your Cool in College // eyeliner wings & pretty things

Have you ever just started crying in the dining hall? Or, thrown your textbook at the wall? Or, laid on your carpet and screamed at the ceiling? All of the above? Me too. It’s really hard to remain calm in college when it feels like you’re being pushed in a million directions and concurrently trying to figure out your life.

It’s really difficult to balance all of the parts of life. It’s something I’ve written about in the past. I’m constantly juggling work, a social life, college and a blog. I am not a very calm person, but sometimes I get into really good places where I can totally keep my cool.

And when I’m able to remain calm in college, I take note of what helped me to feel that way. And then I use those notes to make a blog post…and to reference them in the future when I’m drowning in deadlines and obligations. On weeks like this, when I have four interviews, six assignment deadlines and my best friend’s birthday weekend happening, this post is extra necessary and useful.

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