Author Archives: Paige

• college lifestyle, beauty & fashion blogger | born & raised new yorker | lover of sharp wit & sharper eyeliner •

This is the first year of my life where I’m not going back to school

grad cap no going back to school

I’m not going back to school. It’s officially starting to sink in. I’ve been in school since I was three years old and my life revolved around it — clubs, due dates, essays, exams, back to school shopping, that first day of school outfit, schedules and teachers.

This is the first year of my life that I’m not begging to go back to school shopping. It’s the first year that I’m not tirelessly deciding what to wear on that first day back.

I’ve always been someone who tried really hard in school. I always studied and handed assignments in on time. When I did poorly on exams or papers, I got genuinely upset and fell into a funk. It feels almost sad that all of those years have amounted to a single diploma…one that, now that I’m thinking about it, I’m not entirely sure where I put it.

I’m quite Type A in the sense that I like to know what’s going to happen next. I like having at least a vague sense of plans. With school, there was the structure I needed. You knew what came next. Maybe you didn’t know what school you’d end up in, but you knew what to expect. Or, at least where you were going next. It was a checklist:

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10 things I wish I knew before adopting kittens

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CelebratingMorris #CollectiveBias

10 things I wish I knew before adopting kittens #ad #CelebratingMorris / ew & pt

About two months ago I adopted kittens on a whim. I went to go look at them— the key word here is “look.” I swore I wasn’t going to adopt them then and there.

Twenty minutes later I left with a few cans of 9Lives and two kittens in a cardboard box. I’ve introduced Luca and Bub on the blog but I’ve never actually been honest about just how overwhelming, but wonderful adopting two kittens has been. It’s been a journey and here are the things I wish I’d known before adopting kittens.

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8 ways to make the most of your lunch break

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and The Coca-Cola Company. All opinions are mine alone. #Myvitaminwater #vwlabelcontest #CollectiveBias

How to make the most of your lunch break / ew & pt #ad #Myvitaminwater #vwlabelcontest

Even though I don’t go hiking through waterfalls and traveling the world on a daily basis, I think my life is pretty interesting. I just adopted two kittens (and made them an Instagram), I intern in NYC five days a week and I’m only 21. There’s a lot going on. But, from 9:00 – 5:30 on weekdays, the level of interesting takes a dip.

Work is, well, work. But I don’t want to let it get me down or feel like it has to be a boring part of my day. So, I’ve decided to start using my half hour  – one hour lunch breaks to keep things interesting. Here’s how you can, too.

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Paige’s pages — the best and worst books of July 2018

Paige's pages — the best and worst books of July 2018 - millennial book recommendations

The one main thing I love about summer and commuting back and forth for 3-4 hours each day is the fact that I can read so. many. books.

I love reading! It makes my long commute so much better and helps me feel productive, even when I’m not. As I work through my Goodreads reading challenge, I find myself uncovering a lot of books I really enjoyed and some I absolutely hated.

I’m usually a tough critic, especially with young adult novels, so I was so pleasantly surprised to have found so many gems this month. Especially in intense yet comedic YA fiction! I might make this a monthly series because I read so many books and love reading other people’s book posts to find new recommendations. We’ll see how that goes. Anyway, here are my best and worst books of the month of July.

Please note that I am too lazy to give plot summaries and write really in-depth reviews. If you want a description and more details, you can click on the book’s title to be brought to its Goodreads page. I’m just giving you a quick down-low and my thoughts.
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