Author Archives: Paige

• college lifestyle, beauty & fashion blogger | born & raised new yorker | lover of sharp wit & sharper eyeliner •

Summers no longer belong to me.


Summers no longer belong to me.

They once were the smell of chlorine and citronella (if your neighbor was kind enough to share the bottle of OFF! her mother left on the table).

They were half-hearted games of Marco Polo that turned into conversations about life, gossip about the friends who weren’t in the pool and the mysterious neighbors you’d make up stories about— they’re secret murderers! Vampires! It gave you all goosebumps until it turned into a joke-telling match and dissolved into laughter.

Summer was wet, damaged chlorine-soaked hair because you didn’t need to worry about your lipstick smudging or how funny your hair might look when it dried. A swimsuit you bought because it fit and it was your favorite color, not because you agonized over it in a mirror.

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11 tips for planning a European trip on a budget

11 tips for planning a european trip on a budget tips for planning a trip to europe for cheap

Soo… I just booked a trip to Copenhagen! I’m going with my friend in December, and the trip has been booked (and is continuing to be booked) on a budget.

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6 myths about post-grad life that aren’t true

6 myths about post grad life

I graduated about four months ago and this is the first September I can remember where I’m not in school. It’s pretty wild.

And post-grad life is… nothing like I’d imagined it would be based on television and magazines. And it’s not just me. Whether you’re a fellow recent graduate or you’ll be graduating soon, here are the truths about graduating from college and the myths about post-grad life that aren’t true. While everyone’s experiences won’t be the same, these should help you breathe a sigh of relief when your plans aren’t going…as planned.

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The 4 useful personality quizzes everyone should take

4 useful personality quizzes everyone should take

I am a fiend for quizzes.

When I was a mere tween, I would go nuts over magazines like QuizfestM, and POPSTAR and I would rip out every single quiz. What perfume will make your crush like you? What haircut is best for you? What’s your flirting style?

I was obsessed. And, once I had earned the ~elusive~ access to the “family computer,” I would spend my allotted computer time taking a load of quizzes on the internet. Yes, tell me who my celebrity crush should be. Tell me what kind of friend I am!

There’s something comforting about being able to shove a label or category to yourself, even if it’s that if you were a fragrance you’d be Curious by Britney Spears.

My love for quizzes never stopped, it just evolved. And I’ve realized that some quizzes help you better understand yourself or give you a sense that you’re not alone — someone understands you, finally.

When it comes to quizzes, I’ve taken a whole lot of them. Here are all of the most useful personality quizzes I recommend. because I truly believe these quizzes can make your life better and will help you feel a little bit more understood.

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