Life Lately: Explore Your Hometown

Life Lately: Explore Your Hometown // eyeliner wings & pretty things

When I think of Staten Island, I don’t think of pretty trees or cookie cafes, I typically think of chain restaurants and traffic. This Thanksgiving break I saw some new places in my hometown and it reminded me how important it is to keep on adventuring, even in places you’ve lived in before.

Life Lately: Explore Your Hometown // eyeliner wings & pretty things

I mean, the adventure began on the way to our first destination. We passed by this small area with absolutely gorgeous yellow trees. We parked and literally stopped to take pictures of these trees that were surrounded by cars and buildings–they looked like a whole other world. (Prepare yourselves for a variety of more low quality photos–I apologize).

Life Lately: Explore Your Hometown // eyeliner wings & pretty things

The day really began by visiting The Cookie Jar, which is a cookie shop sort of cafe. The coolest part of this (which I totally failed to take a picture of) was the huge wall covered in all different kinds of cookie jars from Batman to cats. You can see some of them in the background of that somewhat blurry photo above.

The variety of cookies (and cupcakes) was also incredible. They had at least 25 kinds of cookies. The place had a homey sort of vibe, but it was a bit echo-y and not the best place for conversation.

Life Lately: Explore Your Hometown // eyeliner wings & pretty things

Anyway, I ordered a cappuccino, raspberry coconut cookie and an M&M sugar cookie. They were all absolutely delicious and it only cost $5. I’d rather come here than hit up a chain coffee shop any day.

Next, we tried to check out thrift stores and weird shops (but a lot of them were closed) so we ended up in a dollar store where we wasted quarters and got weird “mystery” tattoos and stickers.

Life Lately: Explore Your Hometown // eyeliner wings & pretty things

That’s the tattoo I got…there are no words. It’s such an oddly specific scene. Is he angry? Sad? She looks sad. Did he cheat on her? His tattoo says “MOM.” Nice.

We then visited The Salvation Army, which has so many interesting things. If you’re ever bored you should definitely just walk around a thrift shop or Salvation Army, there’s such a weird collection of stuff.

All in all, it was a really fun little day of adventures. Don’t forget to have explore your hometown! Even the most boring places have some kind of adventure.

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4 Thoughts on “Life Lately: Explore Your Hometown

  1. This is so neat! I’ve lived in my hometown for almost 16 years, and I still find myself driving through neighborhoods that I didn’t even know existed. The fact that I can get lost in the place I’ve called home for almost my whole life baffles me! I’d definitely love to make it my priority to explore a little more because who knows what I’ll find!

  2. Such a good idea! That M&M cookie looks great.

    xx katie // a touch of teal

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