Let’s be real–as much as we’d love to bring every pair of shoe we own to college it’s not plausible or practical in the slightest. We have limited space and thus, I’ve compiled a list of the basic ten pairs of shoes every college girl needs (and some recommendations). Don’t let these pairs of shoes become part of the things you’ll forget to pack for college! With these ten pairs of shoes in your shoe arsenal, you’ll be set…
1. Cute Sandals
You need cute warm weather shoes, of course! These sandals should be fairly comfortable, especially ones without the toe separator thing. Perfect for pairing with dresses or shorts! This is one of the pairs of shoes every college girl needs that it’s more than okay to have multiples of. Add a pair to your shopping list as part of your Back to College Checklist!
Mudd Women’s Gladiator Sandals from Kohl’s(Sold Out). SIMILAR
2. Comfortable Walking Shoes
Walking to class on my campus is always quite a trek. There’s a lot of walking involved and college and you need some comfortable shoes. My comfortable walking shoe is my “#6 Versatile shoe”, the white converse. I’m also a huge fan of Vans for walking long distances. TOMS are super comfortable and light and a lot of boots are also super cozy. Just make sure you have a cute shoe that’s also not going to kill your feet after walking a mile. These can be fun or simple–whatever suits your style the best.
Red Canvas Umbrella Print TOMS (Sold Out). SIMILAR
3. Weather-Proof Boots
Rain boots are probably not necessary, but you should have a pair of shoes that are weather-proof. For me, they were my snow boots. Snow boots are pretty rain proof. They’re also snow proof. A lot of people had expensive Hunter boots, but personally I never saw the need. Get some kind of shoe that will be good for rainy, snowy and hail-y days. Try a pair that look like normal boots so they can be worn on days that aren’t rainy–you’ll get more bang for your buck!
Kate Spade Pamela Rain Boots (Often Sold Out). SIMILAR
4. “Going Out” Booties
Everyone needs a sexy shoe, I recommend booties. Booties are the best shoe because they’re great for every season (winter, spring…whatever!) and they’re far more comfortable than heels. Booties always seem to look more casual and effortless than heels and with booties, no need to worry about someone stepping on your toes. My spiked black suede booties from Charlotte Russe are like my children.
Spiked Chunky Booties (Sold Out). SIMILAR
5. Riding Boots
High boots are incredibly popular in autumn and winter. They keep you warmer than ankle boots and manage to look incredibly chic with some dark jeans or a dress. A pair of black or dark brown riding boots are the biggest autumn and winter shoe essential.
Qupid Over-the-knee Riding Boots from Charlotte Russe (Sold Out). SIMILAR
6. Interview-Appropriate Shoes
This could be a nice and simple pair of pumps or a pretty pair of flats. These will not get that much use, but you’ll be glad you have them for interviews or internships or events that require business professional attire. I recommend a timeless nude or black pump.
DIRECIA Bone Pumps from Call it Spring (Sold Out). SIMILAR
7. Versatile Shoes That Match Everything
For me, these are my white converse. My white converse are my holy grail shoe. They match everything and are incredibly comfortable. Your versatile shoe should be a neutral color like white, black, brown or gray. These shoes are the shoes you throw on when you don’t know what else to wear. I wear these when I commute to NYC for my internship every week!
White Converse All-Star Unisex
8. Shower Shoes
~*Don’t buy fancy Nike slip-ons*~. I got a great deal on nice and cushioned Nike slip-ons and decided that for Freshman year they’d be my shower shoes. While they were comfortable, they never dried, absorbed water and were kind of gross. Just get cheap flip-flops from Old Navy. Don’t try to get pretty/expensive shoes. Dorm showers are gross. No one cares if your shower shoes are Lilly Pulitzer or $1 Old Navy flip flops. Hate to break it to you, but if you wear $50 shower shoes you’re the definition of princess.
Old Navy Women’s Classic Flip-flops
9. Ridiculously Comfortable Slipper-Like Shoes
For me, these are my moccasins. They’re so soft and easy—these are the kinds of shoes you slip on to go get breakfast or to walk to an 8 a.m. class. These shoes will get so much wear and are the kind of shoes you wear when you’re feeling like just being a ball of coziness.
Minnetonka “Kilty” Suede Moccasin
10. Athletic Sneakers
I’m not athletic, but the amount of times I wore my sneakers is insane. Athletic sneakers for when you go on trips with your college to go ziplining or hiking. Athletic sneakers for color runs and school events that require a lot of standing and running. Athletic sneakers for when you have phases where you go to the gym literally all of the time. Athletic sneakers for when your friend drags you to Zumba, blah blah, so many uses for them. Get them.
Nike Flex Run 2015 from Foot Locker
I mean, these are the bare essentials of shoes. I’m a hypocrite for this list, though, I’m all about simplifying but I totally suck at it. *Cough* I brought around thirty pairs of shoes with my to college. Yes, thirty. You don’t need thirty pairs of shoes at college. I don’t need thirty pairs of shoes. God, I love shoes. Try to use this list as a basis of shoes to pack–you are, of course, more than welcome to pack more than ten pairs of shoes. Just be sure to find a place to keep them…more on that can be found in The Incoming Freshman’s Ultimate Guide To College.
What’s your must-have shoe for college?

P.S. If you like this, you might also like 10 Bags Every College Girl Needs!
Great recommendations! I practically lived in toms shoes in college:) I have half of the list already..now I just need the other half, haha! Thanks for sharing!
Glad you enjoyed! Toms are becoming one of my favorites–they’re so comfy! 🙂
I basically wear my sandals every day there’s warm weather! I have a cute pair and a pair for when I wear gym shorts and I’m feeling lazy. But Sperry’s are my favorite closed toed shoes
Sandals are such a versatile shoe, they’re my go-to shoe to throw on with any outfit! I’ve never tried Sperry’s, but I’ve heard great things about them!
I’ve always loved Toms, they are so comfortable for walking around in!
I absolutely agree! I love how Toms is also a charitable brand 🙂
I 110% agree with your shoe essentials, especially a pair of shower shoes. If I had to choose one pair of shoes that are essential it would definitely be white converse. I live in them during the school year.
Glad you agree! I love white converse, they’re my go-to and they’re so comfy! 🙂
10/10 recommend the shower shoes!!! Some nasty things are in those dorm showers! I agree with this list 100%. I have all of these plus some 🙂
Thanks, Kirsten! Oh man, without shower shoes I would’ve been extra horrified of those dorm showers.
I live in sneakers during the school year; totally not a shoe person, but a great pair of Nike’s will win my heart any day!
Yesss, Nikes are so comfy. I have a pair of black and white ones that I wear to the gym but I hope to work them into my outfits this year because they’re a dream to walk in!